Kültür Sanat Karimex
We have launched the "Culture and Art Karimex" project in 2021 with the aim of improving and enhancing our cultural life, alongside hazelnut farming and the social responsibility projects we carry out in this field. Through Culture and Art Karimex, we provide opportunities for our employees and their children to engage with cinema, theater, concerts, and dance events. We directly or indirectly support local artists and work towards facilitating their artistic endeavors. Additionally, we donate books by local authors and researchers to libraries and strive to increase participation in book signing events. On the Facebook and Instagram pages of Culture and Art Karimex, we make efforts to promote cultural and artistic events in our cities and showcase the cultural assets in our region. In 2024, we will also sponsor archaeological excavations in the Ordu region to support the discovery of our cities historical structures.
You can follow us on our social media accounts.